We would like to thank the radio amateurs and everybody else again for helping us over the last nearly 3 years by sending numerous Masat-1 packets received from space.
We would like to take this opportunity to draw attention to the impending deorbitation. Masat-1, Hungary’s first satellite, is expected to end its successful mission and burn up during reentry in early January (current prediction is January 10th). The last days and hours can provide much useful information that is also necessary for continuing on, therefore we want to track its path especially closely in these days. For this we need the help of everybody who has received from it int he past, as the last moments can occur anywhere over the globe, so the big question may involve anyone: Who receives the last signals of Masat-1? After the reentry (deorbitation) – additionally to answering this question – we will publish a statistic of the stations that send in the most packets during the last 168 hours.
With Thanks,
The Masat-1 Team